I love Sundays!!! That is the day of NEW RELEASES at Scrapbook-Elements and this week Rina will magically transport you to such mysterious locations as the bustling bazaars, crumbling ancient Kasbahs and opulent palaces of Marrakesh via her Moroccan Nights Collection. With exquisitely crafted textures in vibrant colors of teal, turquoise, amber and gold with an antique verdigris effect and lavishly detailed embellishments include decorative woodwork, mosaic mirror tile, rusted verdigris wrought iron and copper, beaded accents, jewelry, satin ribbons, foliage and sequins, you are going to pop in the Casablanca movie and create masterful pages in minutes!

I created this page using Rina's Moroccan Nights and Page Masks by Birgit Kerr for a SBG Fonts Challenge with photos of Samantha by Lyndzie. For a full list of credits click on image.
Although we all know what is meant by this "One Way" referred to by the below Morrocan Proverb, I had to use it with a photo of my DH for he is very fond of telling me that "there is a right way and a wrong way, and if you would only listen to me, you would know the right way!" Our sarcastic brand of humor will definitely be recognized by our family who sees this page.

MY DS#3 and his family went on vacation with his in-laws last Thanksgiving in Florida. I thought these pictures were so poignant with his MIL and her son looking out on the ocean view

The Royal Muses have been so inspired and have created wonderful exotic gifts for you as well which will be available on Sunday, March 22 !
Kabra's beautiful Quick Page can be found on The Reluctant Recluse Blog

Charne has a truly inspired QuickPage on her blog Meisie's Doodles

And I have created a Moroccan Proverbs Word Art Set for you!

MY DS#3 and his family went on vacation with his in-laws last Thanksgiving in Florida. I thought these pictures were so poignant with his MIL and her son looking out on the ocean view

The Royal Muses have been so inspired and have created wonderful exotic gifts for you as well which will be available on Sunday, March 22 !
Kabra's beautiful Quick Page can be found on The Reluctant Recluse Blog

Charne has a truly inspired QuickPage on her blog Meisie's Doodles

And I have created a Moroccan Proverbs Word Art Set for you!
