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I have had a very productive scrapping weekend! No babies, no company and hubby cooked the meals all weekend, even making fried apple pies Sunday evening!!! I posted several layouts, updated my blog and visited many other blogs plus I still have eight layouts to post for the week and I already have one In Memoriam Bragbook completed, even adding more elements and word art to most all of those pages!!! Guess you figured out, I am having a ball with all the new pretties from Kimmi and Rina! I am most anxious to receive all the new pretties from this new Collab. I am so happy to be a part of such a fantastic team!!!

Updating some more family info....Jacob Hack is able to see a minimum amount of light and shadows. He still has several surgeries to go but the doctors feel confident that in a year or so, he will be able to see with the one eye that had the cornea transplant.

My SIL had everyone of her teeth pulled last week but is doing fantastic, and hopes to go get fitted for some new choppers in four weeks. She had thyroid cancer several years ago and the radiation treatment destroyed her saliva glands and caused the breakdown of all her teeth. She went years with them getting worse and worse, and finally found a dentist willing to do the surgery. She is so happy!

Baby boy Matthew, my youngest son had eight teeth cut out last week as well. He is the only one of my sons who has had such bad luck with his teeth...and he always took better care of his than his older brothers did theirs! He has been in severe pain for several years with these teeth but felt he could not afford to have anything done. Finally he went to Louisville and got them taken care of with his income tax refund. It cost him 800 up front and he makes payments to them on the other 600 but he says he already feels 100% better! Of course, Isaac stayed all night with us when they went for Matt's surgery. And then I kept our youngest Granddaughter Miss Haylee for 24 hours on Friday. It was her first time to stay all night with Granny and Pap but she did just fine, and of course, we were pleased! She is such a happy baby!

The children of Michael, my oldest son have all been battling illness. That dreaded stomach virus just keeps running through them all and Lil Michael has strep once again. His doctor has said that the nest time he gets it, it is time to have his tonsils taken out. I am so glad to hear that... They did his Daddy that way...he stayed sick all the time and finally at age 16 they took his tonsils out and he finally starting doing better. I do not understand why some doctors refuse to take tonsils out now-a-days... Their oldest William is doing fine in college and he really likes the area up there, outside of Chicago. He is presently out of work for the store he was working for closed its doors before Christmas, and he is having no luck finding a replacement BUT He has his first girlfriend, and she is Italian; her parents speak very little English, and William, according to his Mother is head-over-heels in love!

I have not heard anything from Nick this week but conficent they are well and happy!

I just posted my submission for the One Word Says it All challenge at SBE with a photo of my Granddaughter Ava Rose and I think it turned out quite well!
For a full list of the credits, check out my gallery description; and if you have the time leave a little comment, I love to read them!

Now for that surprise...I made you a QP from the above layout using products by Kimberly Stewart. I love the colors Kimmi uses in her kits! Check her out at the SBE-Store

And HERE is your surprise...ENJOY!


Tammy Dunlap said…
Wow lots going on huh. Glad to hear for the most part they are are doing better. Hugs, Tammy
First time here for me! I love your QP's! I think I think I've found another favorite blog!
You are one busy woman!
Dania said…
Wow, your family does have alot going on...thankfully it all seems to be on the mend. :-)

Your layout is beautiful.
SarahB said…
Thank so much for visiting my blog today! I hope your whole family feels much better really soon. So kind of you to share your beautiful qp!
RosieB said…
Beautiful! thank you
Marcy said…
Thank you for the beautiful QP!
Anonymous said…
Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in Creative Busy Hands Scrapbook Freebies Search List, under the Quick Page(s) post on Mar. 05, 2009. Thanks again.

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