I have been neglecting the blogging as of late! Sorry about that! I have no real excuses so there is nothing more to say - lol! As the Christmas counter is ticking off the days, I have been scrapping like a bad woman trying to get some Christmas gifts done, and since they are gifts, I can't really show them to you for fear the "giftee" (is that a real word?) will see them but I will try to be back soon!
Wednesday is Hump Day:and we are half-way through the week. We here in the USA are looking forward to a big holiday weekend, the 4th of July! I am sure my sons will take their kids to one of the fireworks shows in the area, and we always have a family cook-out at my brothers house. I still have to try to get my stuff together for the big yard sale my DILs are having on Saturday. But today, my husband and a few of his friends are meeting here to finish putting up the big 100 ft CB antennae tower for his "Bull Creek Sub-Station! He loves to talk and there is always a listening audience for his foolishness on the CB. That is about the only hobby he has, lol! For me, my love of digi-scrapping led me last night to double-check and finish some of the photo books I have to make sure they are ready for printing. I added a couple of slide shows from these projects over on the right side of my blog so I hope you take the time to peek at them. I ca...